Blogpost Assignment #2: Medieval Women

      Women of medieval times were possibly the most literal definition of tradition. They typically had a hard day to day life as they had taken care of children, and various other chores while men had worked. The jobs men worked in villages were some that women would work for, most were paid less. For example, a job for reaping, men could be paid 8 pence while women would have a pay range of 6-3 pence. The only times that this was put into practice were times in which a poor family would need to have their daughter work to support the family. This wasn't typical for women who served, or were born into, wealthier families. However, there were things that were similiar between the two classes and that were the rules that both had. They were rules that menhad made, and it was the following: women could not divorce their husbands, they could not marry without parental consent, they could own no business with special permission, own no land (even if passed down it went to the men of the family), and lastly own no property of any kind UNLESS they were widows.
   Women, unfortunately of poor families were not able to live the luxury that some could, as they had to take care of their children while doing typical household chores. Wealthier women did not. As they had others to take care of their children (Wet nurse), and do their chores. Women in poor families would be wed later than those in a wealthier family. Having no choice in who they married, (in wealthy families) it was known to be for an advantage to the family or as a political gesture. Additionally women would be pregnant throughout her marriage (in order to produce a heir). Due to being pregnant the majority of their marriages, and living in a time in which childbirth was dangerous, it is predicted that 20% of women died of it.

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