Blogpost #3: (Our own tale) Beauty's Lesson

   Greed comes in many forms, it dwells within us like Death lingers among fools and those close to their date. Swarming towns with little mercy and haunts those who hold the strongest sense of false revenge, he goes in millions of different forms, without detection. For that is how he grows, appeals to the fools that wish for more than they truly need. A man, a young woman, an old beggar, nobody knows about Death, the genderless entitiy which we fear.
    Our tale begins with a young man who goes by the name of Kristoph, a rich man due to his heritage and a man who lies, going against his word. Many call those who fall for his tricks a fool, although it isn't their fault, for he is a malicious and sly man who knows not of charity. He acted as a poor soul, begging for money while wearing tarnished clothing like a beggar. However, for those who knew of the man inside of him, they understood that he was simply another victim of greed. Yet, they knew to not speak out on his actions, for the consequences were as terrible as those of the Summoner. He was the face of greed, some would say. Kritoph would risk many things for money, his relationships even, he traveled far distances just to steal more money from those who had sent him on his journey. He would take any request, as long as he would get what he believed he deserved...Which is what caused his downfall.
    On a cloudy day, the town as silent as a single raindrop hitting the dirt, Kristoph had been doing his daily fastenings, wearing his tarnished clothes and begging for money, advertising his quest offers. Those who were charitable pitied him, even the Friar would have spared him change. Noon had struck, a hooded woman had approached him, the offering of 20 pence and no more, yet the quest was still unknown. Kristoph had looked up at the fair woman, a glimpse of her face showing something of beauty, "What is the quest you wish to send me on?" He asked curious, his excitement of the payment causing him to miss the grin the woman held, she quietly replied, "I wish for you to find the place where true darkness lingers, however, you will not recieve your payment until you have found it." Although it was an odd request the driven man had begun his quest.
    A week had passed, the woman had stayed in the same place expecting the greedy man to come back, which he had. Kristoph, confused and betrayed glared at the woman, "I have told you many places, and yet you do not give me my reward! Where is this place you speak about? For it is not the abandoned homes beyond the hills, and it is not the deepest caves!" The young woman chuckled madly, removing her hood and revealing the eyes of a demon, dark and cold. "Tsk, you sir are truly a greed filled fool," with a snap of her fingers the town around them disappeared, including herself. Kristoph let out a paniscked cry as the malicious laughter of the young woman echoed behind him. "True darkness lies within your heart," the young woman said as she appeared behind him, tapping the sad mans shoulder, startling him. "Welcome, to your personal Hell," she said holding the 20 pence she had promised him, flicking the coins to him and disappearing once again.
    From then on, he was greeted with silence, and his own guilt. It wasn't long before the woman reappeared, beautiful yet dangerous, Kristoph fell to his knees and begged, "Please! Let me go! I will change my ways I swear to you," he pleaded to her, which was only responded with a kick to his shoulder. "You deserve no mercy, as this is not only my work, nor the people's work, but as well God's, this is forever your home." Beauty had chuckled, "I brought to the attention of those you knew that you have died, and that your funds will go to those you decieved, happy housewarming." She said as she disappeared once more, leaving Kristoph in shock, the 20 pence still in his hand.
   It is said that today, Kristoph still resides in his Hell today, holding the 20 pence tightly with false hope of survival and getting back home. Many believe he still doesn't understand his punishments, but Beauty does haunt him. His guilt, what he has learned, and now his newly found sense of revenge is what holds him together.


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