Emily Dickinson Quote Analysis

1.  "Forever is composed of nows"- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Forever is everything, the past, present, future. The now is the present, this current time, and it is composed with the situations and people around you.

2. "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet." - Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Life is short and it is something we only go through once (theoretically). The fact that we go through the hardships and the situations we do is something that we must endure. However, because we learn from this, we avoid anything that may cause a harmful outlook on our lives.

3. "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain." - Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Most people live a selfish life where self-worth and preservation is more important than the ones around us. However, through acts of random kindness, with the lack of expecting something in return, it brings a positive atmosphere and outlook in a persons day.

4. "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry."- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Effective poetry brings our true feelings to show, we feel it deep within ourselves as something that we can relate to. This is how we know that the author truly has written something brilliant and admirable. 

5. "This is my letter to the world
      That never wrote to me" - Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: The world is an enormous, loud, and active thing. Some people come to stand out after doing something meaningful, amazing, or inventive. For those who do not are those who could be considered the ones who live throughout the norm.

6. "Saying nothing sometimes says the most."- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Silence is sometimes the strongest weapon a person may have in a conversation, keeping the words we wish to say back in order to protect or express a further point. Words express what we believe in, think, and feel.

7. "I dwell in possibility..."- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: To "dwell in possibility" is to live a life of choice. With these choices we lead our lives into a new direction, the good or the bad, or the experienced or the naive.

8. "Nature is haunted house-- but Art-- is a house that tries to be haunted."
- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: The world of nature is a dwelling place, hauntingly mysterious, peopled with God's creatures who live among the phenomena. Art is stuck within its own shadow, however its true mystery lies within the artist.

9. "Parting is all we know of Heaven,
and all we need of Hell."
- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: We will all die eventually, what we know of death is little yet it is associated with leaving the Earth and ascending to Heaven. However, many avoid speaking of the other way around. Living a corrupted life, one without the forgiveness of sin will lead to Hell.

10. "I have bent and broken, but - I hope- into a better shape."- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: In a persons life, hardships and poor situations are unavoidable. With these situations one is able to learn and as well shape themselves with how they handle the problem. This is how we grow and experience; grow into a better individual.

11. "in this short life
 that only lasts ah hour
 how much- how little- is
 within our power." - Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Time is short. We don't live long enough to try everything in this life, however we do choose what we can do. What we do in our lives is entirely up to us.

12. "Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon." - Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: People fear new things and things they do not understand. When we take the time to try something new or attempt to face a fear they may have, the 'little demon' released is the doubt, fear, and apprehension held for said action.

13. "To shut your eyes is to travel." - Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: When we shut our eyes we are welcomed into the world of our imaginations. When we sleep we dream, with this our minds are free to explore.

14. "open me carefully."  -Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: Humans are complex, structured beings. Some find that being more reclusive or closed is something that may protect them from others who could do harm. So, in order to maintain stability and solidarity, one will need to have patience and understanding when trying to learn about the individual.

15. "Till I loved I never liked enough."- Emily Dickinson
~Analysis: To like something is to find it agreeable and pleasant. However, love is an intense sensation of intimacy and endearment. We find the time to point out what we dislike and find negative, but with love and time we find the reason to enjoy the little things around us.


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