Blog Post Assignment 1

   Hiya. My name is Megan Campbell. I'm a sixteen year old and as well a junior at B.C. Rain High School. I have few hobbies but many interests, however, my favorite thing to do would be writing short stories or poetry. On the other hand, my favorite hobby is music, whether it be playing the piano or singing. I was in choir for seven years in both Nevada (4) and Colorado (3) before my family moved here, we traveled some of the country while we moved. This gave me an insight on how people are different. This experience also gave me the chance to explore my options career wise, although it may be typical, I do want to become a Psychiatric (family) Nurse Practioner, which is an advanced nursing position that requires at least a MSN degree. My goals are to score a better score on the ACT and manage my grades in order to increase my GPA. I hope to have a nice semester with you all and I hope that we can become friends.
    In addition to this, due to it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the idea that the American Dream has been accomplished today is ambiguous. This is because the 'American Dream' that was pictured was reached at one point. Of course the speech itself brought light upon the issues that society had, which inclusing racism, civil disobedience, self improvement, and many other things that caused a barrier within the equality of the people (the main thing being race and religion). The opinion, when it comes to the vision that he had, is varied because most bring the matter to racial equality rather the equality of all.  The goal that he had for the people was to live in a country without discrimination against others no matter their religion nor their skin color.  In my own opinion, it seems that it can be said that both his vision has been misunderstood, but as well accomplished in some form. Although, I disagree when it comes to the matter if his vision has been reached, this is because we all still support certain groups that keep the barrier up between the equality of all due to certain opinions that can not be let go. We, as a country, have gone against what our morals truly should be, and I say this not only because of certain groups or cults, but as well because we still base stereotypes on skin when he wanted skin color in general to be a descriptive word and nothing else. In addition to this, the only way that we have truly accomplished a form of his vision is that we have gotten past schools, for example, that were separated to either be an African American or White only school, this also goes for certain jobs, buildings, and small things such as water fountains. In conclusion, I'm not quite sure if we are able to say we have reached his vision, but I can say that he would be somewhat proud of the things that we as a society have gotten past.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your commentary on Dr. King's message; yes, there are many things that we as a country need to improve on, but we are so much better than what we were in the 60s. I can't wait to read some of your poetry and short stories! I love the west; Colorado is one of my favorite places to visit. Great post!


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