Blogpost Assignment #2

     We all have dreams, whether they are surrounding the idea of being successful or something that could change the way people think. Of course there are no boundries to what our imaginations can come up with, but there are, sadly, limitations on what we can do as a single person. There was a quote that Walt Disney once said, "All of our dreams can come true- if you have the courage to pursue them," I believe we all should take this quote and apply it to the dreams we already do have. For example, one of the many dreams I wish to achieve is a small career in writing, of course it doesn't necessarily need to be a 'career,' but it could bloom into something that could be considered one. What I wish to achieve with that small hobby or career, however you will take it, is to affect someone to the point where they will share what they learned from my book, rather, what meaning the book itself had to them. This fuses with another dream of mine, to do something extraordinary. It ranges from providing a home for someone who needs one or turning a bad situation into something better, continuing a line of positivity. In addition to this, the last dream I have, although typical, is to have a family. Everyone dreams of having a successful family/lineage, and all it takes to do so is through being a supportive parent. What is the use of having a family but being the least supportive person to the ones who look up to you? Whoever the child is, no matter what they choose to be or who they want to be (as long as it isn't something that will harm them), then a parent should be supportive, everyone who surrounds them daily should be supportive. Then, and only then, will their dreams avoid being deferred.
     To defer a dream, means to lose hope in that dream or, in a literal sense, postpone or put aside. From my standpoint that means somebody had said something to you that made that dream form into something impossible. Going to college could be an example of this, "You don't have the money/grades/etc. to get into any university." So many people let these words kill the dreams they have when they know they can do it. Old classmates of mine used to say that my writing would go nowhere, that it was pointless to even bother because people are too stubborn to change. Which, frankly, I believe that it is difficlut to change people, but not impossible. I simply look past these comments and continue on. This applies to my dream to do something extraordinary, why let people tell me what I can and cannot do? In order for my dreams not to be deferred, I will look past the ugly comments that people say. The fact that anyone has the audactiy to kill anybodies dreams is terrible, and what we must do to defend them is prove them wrong. We all go through a war in life, we will hit that low, but that does not mean our dreams will die in that process. Simply look forward.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post! I love the fact that one aspect of your dream is to do something extraordinary. I believe that we are all put on this earth to do something extraordinary; in other words, to leave our mark on this earth. One can truly find their purpose in such an experience. Your dream of becoming a successful writer does not have to wait; Langston Hughes' poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" was published right after he graduated high school. What followed was a path towards becoming one of the most prolific writers in American Literature! Overall, great post!


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