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TCP: Film and Novel Similarities and Differences

    There were many differences in the film when compared to the novel, one being the relationship between Celie and Shug. While in the novel it is more intimate, the film portrays it as a longing and more intense, strange connection. Additionally when it comes to Celie's relationship with others, it is evident that- in the film- she does not write letters back to Nettie in response. This is a crucial detail because it reestablished the broken and separated sisters connection to each other. Another difference I found in the film was the missing conversation about God between Shug and Celie, in addition the conversation between Celie and Sofia when Harpo beat her. These scenes were both important as it gave the characters a connection to each other and it explained religion and how it affects the life of Celie overall.      While the differences are more difficult to find, the similarities seem to outweigh them. Beisdes the obvious similarity being Celie's admiration for Shug,

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